AM I LATE??? (fathers day)


Someone might have said "Life has been tough for me because I have to face many disappointments in it." So do I, sometimes I thought that my life is indeed an ocean of endless problems and disappointments; however, there are those disappointments that I’ve encountered are also my most interesting story in my life. For some, little incidents are all it takes to change a person and open their eyes. Others, however, require much more for them to finally see clearly. I was one of them. Within the approximately last twenty four years of my life, I have struggled with issues involving self confidence and assertiveness. It happens I am so lucky that i tend to come across to a person who changes my whole perspective on life. My Father.You always encouraged me through the tough times and taught me important lessons along the way. you've helped me grow into the person I and because of that I will always admire you.You showed me that in the tough times giving up is not an option, that I have to keep going no matter what happens. You've helped me realize that while you may not always be able to get what you want you can make the best out of what you have. You've always been there for me, through the gratifying and dreadful times, and I know you will continue to be there for me.You're always there to show me that things weren't as bad as It was making them out to be. You always told me to look on the bright side, that every cloud has its silver lining. But these simple lessons you taught me changed my whole outlook on life.You taught me that I always have to keep a positive attitude no matter what happens. 

 YOUR son, 
Dinn Arken

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